
Java application that uses ANTLR to parse, analyze, and compile a custom language.

Link: GitHub
Module: Compilers
Graduation Year: 2
The GrandFisicas project is a Java-based application that uses ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) to parse and analyze a custom language. The project is divided into two main packages: dim and geral.
The dim package contains classes related to the execution and main operations of the application. The Dim.g4 file is likely an ANTLR grammar file that defines the syntax of the custom language. The and classes are likely responsible for executing tasks or operations defined in the custom language.
The geral package contains classes related to error handling, compiling, and semantic analysis. The Geral.g4 file is another ANTLR grammar file. The and classes are likely responsible for compiling the custom language into Java bytecode. The class extends GeralBaseVisitor, which is a visitor pattern implementation generated by ANTLR. This class overrides various methods to visit different types of nodes in the parse tree, performing semantic analysis on the custom language.
In summary, the GrandFisicas project is a Java application that uses ANTLR to parse, analyze, and compile a custom language. It is well-structured and includes thorough testing
